Jairation Joint Productions is an Original Animation Content Production and Development Studio, a Domestic Limited Liability Corporation organized in the State of Georgia.
JJP, LLC is currently in post-production of Kasha and the Zulu King, an original animated feature film for BET Networks Original Programming. The official Kasha production website is www.kashafafp.com, and you can connect with us via social media sites such as facebook and twitter (@Huzjr).
With current projects in the works featuring luminary talents such as Donnie McClurkin and Steve Harvey, JJP remains committed to authentically and creatively representing the unsung stories and cultural aesthetic of people of color that transcends race, color and creed with production quality and storytelling excellence.
JJP, LLC is not currently entertaining unsolicited animation production or development projects, and unsolicited pitch projects are not being considered. However, we do provide work-for-hire creative development services. For more information, you can contact us at info@ajaijoint.com. or check out our creative services link.